
Monday, September 30, 2013

Professional Athletes And Drug Use Penalties

Professional athletes and Drug use penalties Malcolm Harvest Mrs. Skelly English II May 8, 1999 Professional Athletes and Drug Use (Penalties) This research paper is about athletes and their use of drugs. The drug that is most frequently wage by athletes is alcohol. Most athletes who use drugs do not obtain off the penalisation that they deserve instead they receive punishment that is overly lenient. The penalties for professional athletes who use drugs argon too lenient, they should be much severe.
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Examples of drug s that are utilize by most athletes are the following(a): anabolic Steroids, Dietary supplements, Blood Doping, Stimulants, Narcotics and Corticosteroids, and Alcohol. anabolic steroids are use illegally by athletes, to increase muscle mass and strength. Anabolic steroids are also called Androgenic-anabolic steroids. They get their name from the Greek spoken communication Andro and Gennan which mean male producing, and Anabold...If you want to get a all-inclusive essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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